
Falls prevention.


Falling: A Real Issue for Older People.
    As well as physical injury, the emotional impact of falls can be particularly harmful. Some people experience loss of confidence and, sadly, a major fall is often a factor for those entering residential care.
    Thankfully, putting into practice simple falls-prevention techniques has been proven to reduce the chance of a fall. Regular practice of Tai Chi is consistently at the top of medical research into falls-prevention exercises.

      All Tony's Tai Chi classes will improve balance, but he also runs specific falls-prevention seminars and courses.
     The effectiveness of Tony’s Tai Chi classes was scientifically measured when he brought a group from ‘at risk’ to ‘not at risk’, in the Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth PCT, assessed by the Functional Reach Test.
    Tony also taught the Tai Chi content on the pilot Postural Stability Course (NVQ4+) for exercise instructors, by Dr Dawn Skelly and Susie Dinan in 2000.

Other practical steps for falls-prevention:
- Review your footwear.
- Review your eye-wear.
- Have a Falls Prevention Assessment done by your local medical team.
- Check through your home for small things you can improve.
For example: ensure mats can't slip, use night-lights in stairwells, and make sure you have a phone which you can reach from the floor.

     Your GP, Help the Aged, Age Concern, and Social Services all have more information to help you avoid falls.

Please do contact Tony if you wish to join a class, or if you are a health practitioner wishing to refer a client for falls prevention.