Tony welcomes inquiries from health professionals, carers and mangers about individual clients, groups, or the exercise systems taught. Clients currently range in age from 7 to 104.
Tony delivers one-off workshops designed to meet specific needs; or regular developmental classes, as appropriate.
Carers and key workers are encouraged to attend the first sessions alongside clients.
NHS Funding
Some of Tony's classes are supplemented by the NHS Primary Care Team. To discuss funding options, please contact Tony.
Individual Client Assessment If you are unsure which class would be appropriate, please contact Tony for an informal discussion. To assist in your decision making, you will be welcome to attend a class.
Group Client Assessment
Tony provides an on-site assessment visit for residential, nursing and sheltered accommodation, social groups and day centres.
Tony will explain how Tai Chi and Chi Kung can help with specific issues, and how the practice fits into daily life. At the end of the visit, Tony will recommend a programme targeted to meet all your requirements.
Focus on the individual
Classes are run in an inclusive fashion, with a strong social element. All students are given a safety briefing, and encouraged to rest when their body tells them to. Individual needs are discussed before or during the first class, with one-to-one guidance given. As a client progresses, the supportive group dynamic enables a wide variety of issues to be comfortably explored.
Group Work Classes and demonstrations have a focus on enjoyment, and give importance to clients' social needs, and feelings. It is their time.
Classes are often run in a lounge or other communal area, using the home's usual furniture. No special provisions need be made. Everyone is encouraged to join in, however individual wishes are respected.
Tony has experience in a wide variety of residential and group settings, and is flexible in his approach. References are available.
Medical Benefit Evaluations of Tony's Work
The benefits of Tony's work was scientifically evaluated during a project for Merton Sutton and Wandsworth PCT, in 2000.
The outcomes of the evualtion were:
- The group went from 'at risk' of falling to 'not at risk of falling', using the Functional Reach Test. Click here to download the report.
The full appendices are available on request
A second evaluation of clients was run in 2005.
The outcomes of this evaluation were:
- 67% noticed improved flexibility
- 52% noticed improvement in balance
- 93% would recommend the class to a friend.
Click here to download the report.
For more information about the medically proven benefits of Tai Chi and Zhan Zhuang, or to discuss a specific programme for your clients, please do contact Tony.